#baby diavolo
budbuddnbuddy · 7 months
Little obey me headcanons (Pt 1)
A/n:Just things I think the obey me characters would do/ think/like along with worldbuilding stuff. Nothing too major, but there’s also some suggestive stuff so look out for that. Sorry for not posting in a while school sucks. :(
After seeing all the happy endings in fairytale books and stories or just anything in general, Satan commonly thinks of having a “Happily ever after.” with MC.
While Belphegor, has no ass or tits he does have some cute thighs, when it’s warm in the devildom the chances of you seeing him lounging about the house in booty shorts and thigh highs are up by 70%
The celestial realm and the Devildom are super behind when it comes to technology, while the Devildom is catching up it’s still all over the place, so when MC brings up the moon landings or anything about humans going into space they’re gonna think that you’re joking…..until you show them proof.
“Wow, you really weren’t lying when you said that humans actually made it to the moon.”
“I told you! I’m sure if we get some people who work in NASA down here, we’ll probably be able to go to the moon in the Devildom too.”
“…the fuck is a NASA?”
I’m a firm believer that there is someone out in the human world, wether it be a family member or friend or coworker, SOMEONE was looking for MC when they were first summoned. Argue with me all you want but you will not be able to convince me that one day their boss wasn’t like: “MC hasn’t come into work in like a week.” other people can care about them too >:(
Asmodeus has definitely given some Devildom skincare products to MC. Whether they make you look inhumanly glamorous or burn off half your face is up to you.
There’s BARELY any public transportation in the devildom, no buses, cabs, airplanes or anything like that. You want to get somewhere without driving? Put on some comfortable shoes cause you’re gonna have to WALK.
However Diavolo does send chauffeurs (or carriages if it’s a royal/political event) to nobles and the brothers to get to the castle or if they’re just going somewhere with him. Which is how you guys got to the castle for the 3 day retreat.
You know those pics from hidden paparazzi or fans of celebrity couples out together on a date or walking around holding hands? There’s like a bunch of them with you and the characters in the Devildom. Most common ones to see with you are: Mammon, Beel ,Belphie, Asmo. The ones on the rarer side are: Lucifer, Satan, Diavolo, Simeon, and Solomon. The ultra rare ones are: Barbatos and Leviathan (but both for very separate different reasons)
There’s been a major skyrocket in human attraction, not just in the Devildom but a bit in the Celestial realm too, I guess Simeon was eyeing and twirling his hair at you a little too much for the angels to contain their curiosity. Hehe.
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tsukii0002 · 2 years
Diavolo, Lucifer ad Barbatos are walking though the RAD when they see a crowd .
Lucifer: what is happening?
The demons give way while looking at Lucifer very excited, MC is in the center
Lucifer: *very serious* what is the matter??
Mc: oh guys, hi!
Diavolo: *curious* what is that?
Mc: *is holding something in their hand* oh this? *they smile* is mine an Lucifer's son.
Mc let everybody see a baby black peacock in their hands.
Baby peacock: *chirp*
Everydemon: ....
Everydemon: aaaaaaawww
Lucifer: *very flushed* Mc what the he-
Diavolo: congratulations Lucifer!!!!!
Lucifer: Diavolo don't -
Barbatos: a beautifull baby indeed.
Lucifer: *even redder* stop it you two!!
In the end Mc and Lucifer, of course, raised the baby peacock together, and It inherited his demon father's pride.
Mc: I knew it was your son
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devildomwriter · 11 months
Pizza Party
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I’d like to personally thank the devs for giving us this amazing chat option to mess with Dia
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inhuman-obey-me · 11 months
True Forms: Sides + New Characters
Once upon a time, long, long ago, we wrote some true demon forms for the demon brothers. And we had so much fun with it that we've returned with a follow-up! Now featuring not only demons but also some angels, a reaper, and one immortal "human" sorcerer.
No in-between forms for MC's sake this time though -- we die like men being driven mad by unspeakable, incomprehensible horrors.
Like before, content warning for unsettling, eldritch descriptions and body horror.
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The Crown Prince of the Devildom doesn't often go into this true form -- it's incredibly dangerous, and if you see it, you might as well already be in your grave.
The first thing that hits you is the scent of sulfur and burning, so strong that you feel like you're choking on it, suffocating even though there's no smoke to be seen.
There is, however, plenty to be seen of him, as his form is utterly massive -- every direction you look, he seems to stretch infinitely around you, no end in sight to his immense presence.
To his sides, sparks and flashes of gold and darkness alternately flicker off of black flame wings as they languidly float back and forth behind him, singeing the very air they occupy.
The rest of his body mostly transforms into that of a dragon, much like the ornament you normally see upon his chest, covered in brilliant triangular golden scales except for the glowing red orb at his center.
The orb pulses like a heartbeat, and in it, you see yourself -- no, rather, you see a distortion of yourself, all the corruption and cruelty that hides in your very core laid bare before your eyes.
Meanwhile, fire roars everywhere, filling every open space around him and spiraling into a grand crown upon his head.
Despite the noise of the flames, however, his commanding voice can be heard clearly, a low rumble like the roar of a dragon yet distinctly regal and elegant in its tone.
On his chest, the black marks you see in his more humanoid demon form expand and twist outward, hypnotizing you as they wrap like vines around your body.
You hardly even notice as they capture you in a world of complete darkness -- darkness that overtakes not just your senses, but your mind, your soul, your whole existence, like a fire that burns away everything until there's nothing left in you but the abyss, all else turned to ash.
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To witness the true form of the ever loyal and capable steward to the Crown Prince of the Devildom, your fate is already sealed -- one of demise and ruin.
His body shifts and stretches, and stretches, and s t r e t c h e s -- you cannot see where, or if, he ever ends -- like time itself.
His body resembles that of a dragon -- though not the same of his master, but those creatures known across the human world as the lóng, the ryū, the druk, the nāga.
His face blurs, rots, melts -- bits of bone showing through flesh and one eye now just an orb of empty, everlasting black.
The spindly, web-like horns that grace his head grow thicker and longer, the talon-like ends even sharper than before.
Whiskers sprout from his face that are slick and forked at the ends, like his more humanoid-demon form tail, an electric buzz sparking at the end of them.
The scales along his body are black and teal, that familiar lightning pattern reflected in some while you catch glimpses of other universes as they gleam.
It is then that you notice you are slowly being buried in sand -- it cascades off his body, from the ridges in his back and gaps between those captivating scales.
Time itself seem to distort around him as he swims in the air, the very fabric of space rippling and warping against his form.
When he opens his mouth to roar, all that can be seen is a void of space inside, an all-consuming black hole.
There is an awfully maddening absence of sound, the very weight of silence seemingly suffocating and crushing you as you try to gasp for air.
The longer you stare into his face, his form -- the more you get lost and trapped across universes, seeing every branch of time lay itself out before you, over and over and over and over...
Your soul will be trapped forever in that endlessness, true death never taking hold as no reaper can ever reach you to claim it.
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Every ghost story about haunted suits of armor originates from the true form of Mephistopheles.
In this form, he truly represents his noble heritage as proud knights tasked with defending the royal family -- grand, intimidating, gallant.
From afar, he seems exactly like those stories, an empty suit of golden armor with eerie peridot green lights glowing as eyes through the helm.
Atop this helm, a showy plume of magenta feathers swoops in a proud arc, and from his back, a grand set of opalescent, translucent feathered wings stretches impossibly wide.
Each flap of these wings creates torrential whirlwinds, tornadoes that tear destructively through entire cities in their path, leaving nothing but ruin in their wake.
Up close, however, it becomes clear that the armor is hollow because he is the armor -- though he usually keeps most of them closed for protection, eyes of green and magenta can emerge all over the gleaming metal plates.
Also dotting the plates are various gems and precious crystals, embedded throughout as if daring someone to come close enough to try to steal them, tempt them as demons so notoriously do.
Every movement, too, deafens with the cacophony of jewels crashing against coins, ringing out for miles and miles around him.
Looking upon this form always makes you feel slightly off, as though he's not standing quite straight, which in turn makes you feel slanted as if constantly slipping down sideways.
However, it's best not to look at all, as gazing upon him melts your flesh away to pools of thick, smooth black ink which indeed would make you slip and fall.
Before one would fully melt away, he opens up to consume any potential wearer of the armor, crushing them inside and using their bones to reinforce the strength of the metal.
Because of this, streaks of ink are always running down the seams where the armor opens, dripping endlessly in deep pools everywhere he goes.
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Before Luke descends as an angel, a soft smell of grassy sunlight fills the air, and you feel a gentle breeze pick up alongside you.
The sound of bells chimes softly as if rung by this breeze, though no bells can be seen.
Slowly, bursts of tiny stars shimmer into view as if creating a veil from which the angelic child steps forth.
Once he has appeared, the stars gather in small clusters, dancing around him as if engaged in a waltz.
Being a lower-ranking angel still, his form is generally humanoid and looks much like the Luke you know and love.
However, his shape looks more unstable at the edges, buzzing and shaking like a Chihuahua.
Though most of him is covered up by his Celestial garb, you notice eyes peeking out from between the folds, gazing up at you unblinkingly, staring right into your soul.
The eyes on his face, on the other hand, remain peacefully closed, as though you're looking upon a child asleep.
As he delivers his message, the scent of wheat and honey drifts from him, filling the air around you.
Although this form does no harm to you to look upon, you get the distinct feeling that you would fall into endless despair if you were to fail him.
Michael likes to send him to would-be runaways for this reason.
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Though he may be the youngest of the seraphs, his form is no less grand and imposing.
You hear him before you see him -- the melody of a flute, a tintinnabulation, mixed with an enchanting voice singing words in a tongue you cannot comprehend.
Six large wings surround him, feathers light grey with the same iridescent sheen found on those of homing pigeons, spanning far and wide.
Where his face might be instead are twisting golden rings filled with eyes, swirling in a mesmerizing pattern that captivates you.
His arms, too, are made of a stack of metallic rings that mirrors armor, though no flesh resides within them, and interlock with the shapes of diamonds and spades.
Various chimes hang off like tassels at various points along those metallic arms, ringing endlessly.
In place of his torso is an opalescent crystal ribcage, though there are no organs for it to protect.
A number of spears, pointing downward and outward, fan around his bottom half, with needles circling golden thread around the spear "boning" -- making his bottom half resemble a cage hoop skirt.
Above the swirling rings of his face rests a halo, made up of floating spear tips, sharp and deadly.
And behind him, around him, are more rings that are linked in circles like an atom, so numerous that they are reminiscent of chainmail, all while swirling at dizzying speeds.
Surreal light emits from every element of his form -- every ring, every feather, every pointed end -- giving him an unsettling and ethereal glow.
Anger him in this form, and the mix of melodies becomes mind-numbingly discordant and cacophonous while numerous spears glisten with their sharp ends pointed towards you, ready to strike.
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When Simeon was a seraph, his form shared a number of features with that of Raphael's: twisting golden rings for a face, an iridescent crystal ribcage, the stacks of rings for arms, and that surreal, unsettling light emitting from every element.
However, his form differed greatly as well -- his halo was actually an ouroboros, dotted with eyes peering into your very soul and lined with large, long spikes.
His six wings were not made of feathers but of fire, their flames a striking and dangerous blue -- four flanking his back, while the other two surrounded his head of twisting rings, protecting his face with their chaste embers.
His "legs" were composed of crystal shards, slowly twisting and catching the light to create a constant prismatic display.
Past the faint crackling of flames and metallic sonority, you could hear a soft and distant harp that lulled the senses.
His seraph form somehow evoked both a sense of serenity and a gnawing, unnerving sense of dread.
Since his demotion to archangel, however, his form is a bit different -- more telluric, more humanoid, with wings more traditionally white and feathery at his back.
The delicate music of the harp that used to accompany him is gone, now replaced by the brash announcement of trumpets.
His more exquisitely airy elements have become more earthen, those radiant crystal pieces composed now of jagged rock and gleaming metal instead.
So too do fragments of steel float around and over his right side, resting upon his shoulders like a cape flowing gracefully from shining pauldrons.
Drifting idly just past his fingertips, a sword rests across his form, long and thin, both a tool and yet inherently part of him, dancing easily at his command and always ready to strike.
Each metallic sliver is dotted with eyes, peering and watching over you, at once benevolent and yet you can feel them -- watching you, judging you, sharply observing every move you make.
Another eye watches as well, from above, gazing serenely from the center of a spinning seven-pointed star which serves as his head.
There are no other facial features to speak of, but the look in that single blue orb expresses all there is to understand.
Though his voice rings clear in your mind with any message he may have from above, you can see your fate clearly from the moment your eyes connect with his gaze.
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As a reaper, there is no question of death's approach when Thirteen transforms into her true form.
You become aware of long, low bells in the distance -- for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.
From the moment you hear that very first clang, you cannot move, an icy chill washing over you and leaving you frozen in place.
However, it is not fear that you feel, but instead an odd sense of peace that overtakes your mind and makes the world around seem distant and hazy.
All light fades from view except the eerie blue flame of the candle she carries in one hand, along with the vivid green fire that takes the place of one eye.
Through the flickering light, you can see where bones replace flesh -- a half jaw, a sharp cheekbone, a partially exposed ribcage.
Her other eye seems to become more reptilian in nature, scales surrounding her brow bone and the hollows of her cheeks, jagged and harsh.
Her teeth are sharp and large, the exposed jaw making it appear as if they are locked in a menacing grin.
Gauze wraps around her neck, dark ichor seeming to seep through it and drip onto her chest and into the hollow of her ribs.
She floats towards you, no legs to be seen as she rolls atop mist and fog that sprawls ever outward, reaching the edges of your vision.
Within that mist you catch a glimpse of fluttering iridescence -- butterflies, their wings part black and shining with opalescent darkness.
No longer does she wear the tattered black robes so often thought as the reaper's uniform -- instead, long pieces of black chiffon, tulle, and mesh twist around her form, giving the illusion of a cloak.
Long, sharp claws wrap around her scythe, its blade broad and keen -- but it shimmers in the light, its form malleable and able to transform into whatever the reaper so desires.
However she decides to capture your soul, the last thing reflected in your eyes will be the blue flame of the candle extinguished, its wax melted away with the end of your life.
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Hello, my adorable apprentice
What's wrong? Don't you recognize me?
It's me, Skeletiano Solomon
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The true form of an immortal human sorcerer is...
Yeah this seems right
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luxthestrange · 1 year
Incorrect quotes#837 Snap back
When You meet one angel who is speaking out their way to show her disdain for demons how they want to interact with humans and how she seems to want to put in into what you and Solomon have with Simeon, Even tho he has shown her nothing of interest romanticly
Female Angel: You all are such disgusting, loathsome beasts! Your kind is nothing but dirt that shitty dead people tread on! And now, you’re trying to meddle with the lives of HUMANS?!
Dia*Frowns and is about to open his mouth but squeaks when he is pulled back*!?!
Mc*Pull Diavolo aside before he could talk, picking him away from the angel* So are you! So why don’t you shut your trap, you judgmental-*pulls herby her necklace and snaps it back*cotton candy, NON COMPARED TO DIA tit-havin’ BIIIITCH?!
Female Angel*IStares for a minute then growls*…FILTHY DEMON CRAP!!! *tackles Mc*
Luke*Throwing you a shovel*GET 'ER MAMA/DADDY!
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devildom-moss · 7 months
I recently finished reading the third season of OG!OM and I had a miniature idea... How would Lucifer, Diavolo and Barbatos react if amab!MC told them that when the problems with the three worlds were resolved, he would like to marry them? (I may write with mistakes because I am using a translator, I apologize in advance ☆o(><;))
Thanks for the ask. I wrote based on the assumption that Lucifer, Diavolo, and Barbatos are already in an established relationship with MC where marriage is a possibility, (but honestly, it'd probably be fun to write a less serious version, too). I don't know if these are headcanons or just poorly constructed shorts in headcanon format (oops), but I hope you like it.
M!MC tells them he wants to marry them when the three realms are at peace (Lucifer, Diavolo, Barbatos)
(MC/reader referred to as "man" "husband/future husband" "boyfriend" "fiance") (Diavolo will only be in red for ease of reading in this post primary colors woo)
(Lucifer x m!MC) (Diavolo x m!MC) (Barbatos x m!MC)
(Suggestive in for some parts)
Word Count: +1,900
You told Lucifer you wanted to marry him during one of his softer, more vulnerable moments: when you woke him up after he fell asleep during a long night of paperwork, exhaustion widening his smile upon seeing your face; on one of those rare mornings when he allowed himself to laze around in bed, pulling you in close and savoring the feel and scent of your body; or one of those other long nights when Lucifer’s breath hitched and the sweetest noises left him – it was all for you.
“When things are peaceful –” “Things are never peaceful with my brothers around.” “– when the three realms are stable and at peace, then, we should get married.”
“Oh?” he asked you with a gentle chuckle.
He didn’t believe you at first – not because he had never thought about marriage before. Lucifer assumed it was more likely that you wanted to tease him than that you would beat him to a marriage proposal. His adorable, handsome, wonderful boyfriend would never surprise him by doing something so endearing and unexpected. It just wasn’t – shit! Is he really proposing to me?
Lucifer waited for a teasing “just kidding” or some kind of retreat on your part. When it doesn’t come, his eyes widen, and the heat rises visibly on his cheeks. You really want to be his husband? He already suspected as much, but to have you take the initiative and ask him to marry you was more than he expected.
When Lucifer falls, it’s hard and deep. He knows you so well. He’s so certain of his love that it doesn’t even cross his mind that it could be too early in the relationship to get married.
He glosses over the entire “when the three realms are at peace” thing, because he’s too pleased. Lucifer buries himself in the nearest part of your body he can get to – likely your chest or neck. In part, he’s trying to hide the grin on his face and the blush on his cheeks, but even with his face hidden, you can see the pink tint painting the tips of his ears.
“We already have a pact, and now you want my hand?” he murmured against your skin, sounding almost shy. “Yes. When things are –” “Why w–” “Would you stop fucking interrupting me when I’m in the middle of proposing?!” “Sorry. Do it again. I’ll behave.” His eyes softened seductively. “Asshole.” “Only when you top – and only if you’re being degrading. Usually, I’m your adoring partner.” “Do you want me to propose again or not?” “I do. Try again.”
“Lucifer, when the three realms are united, will you marry me?” Lucifer stared at you, patiently. “Well?” “Why wait?” “What do you mean?” “Why wait for peace and unity? It doesn’t matter what state the realms are in. I want to be with you. I want to be your husband, and I want you to be mine. Marry me now.”
Lucifer would be so earnest and make his argument sound so logical – but maybe it’s easier to justify something you want, too. “I’m serious. I have faith in us – in Diavolo’s plan – but if anything happens, if it takes a long time, I don’t want to wait. I want you to be my husband.”
He would kiss you tenderly and hold you close until you agree not to put off your wedding for some indefinite amount of time. He’ll be ready to go tomorrow morning if that means he can start calling you his husband sooner. How did your proposal to Lucifer turn into a proposal from him?
He’s so possessive and pompous, of course he would be excited to make you his in a more official setting.
You would tell him when he was already on cloud nine: after another successful event that had incorporated elements from all three worlds or after a business deal that would further entrench the Devildom in human-world culture. He had just furthered his goals. You were proud of him. You loved him, and you knew you were going to stand by his side as he achieved his dream for peace and unity, so you told him, “When you succeed – when the realms are united in peace, I want to marry you.”
“Hahaha. You’re full of surprises.”
Diavolo laughs, but it isn’t to mock you. He’s delighted by the proposal – well, admission. He’s gotten requests for marriage before, but he’s never been so happy to hear that someone wanted to marry him. It was unexpected, but he adores that you can surprise him.
It isn’t lost on him that you didn’t actually ask him to marry you or that you were willing to wait an indefinite amount of time. Who knew how long it would take him to realize his dream, but you believed in him enough to wait. The fact that you just told him what you wanted without asking him felt like you were giving him the space and time to think about it, come back, and meet you with his own feelings about marriage. Maybe he was reading into it too much, but he didn’t feel pressured, and that was a comfort. You made him feel so free, supported, and loved.
Of course, he would love to make you his – give you the whole grand royal ceremony, mark you as his partner for the whole world to see, and give you the title of “king” to match his own (because in this speculative future, the throne is his by then; he’ll have earned it.).
You both understand why it would be best to wait for his success. It can be difficult enough to get approval and ensure your safety when everyone just thinks the Demon Prince has taken a human man as his lover. Marriage might cause more instability.
Furthermore, although he doesn’t expect his workload to disappear once peace is achieved, Diavolo hopes that ensuring peace takes more effort than maintaining it. If he’s going to marry you, he wants plenty of down time to travel with his new husband after the wedding. He wants enough free time in his day to cherish you and remind you of the love he holds for you. He wants to make sure he can kiss you, and hold you, and make love to you to both of your hearts’ content. (In other words, if Diavolo commits to being your husband, he needs to meet his daily physical affection quota or he will pout for a week.)
After taking a minute to process your words, Diavolo would pull you against him and press his forehead to yours. It wouldn’t matter if you were in public, either (not to Diavolo, at least. Barbatos would scold him about it being “inappropriate” later.). With a soft, sweet smile, he would tell you, “I better work harder then. I don’t want to keep you waiting too long.” Even if everyone was staring in your direction, he would take that moment to lean in and kiss you tenderly.
Suddenly, Diavolo would feel his ambition renewed. He’d even feel motivated to get home and start on some important plans and initiatives – unless you wanted to go home with him; in which case, he would take you to bed and resume his work in the morning. Nothing could light a fire under him like his beloved partner.
After your proposal, he may occasionally flirt with you by calling you “my fiancé” or “my future husband,” but he’ll only do that in private.
There is no ideal time to drop the news on Barbatos that you want to marry him, which probably plays to your benefit when you tell him while he’s working. You were shadowing him – probably assisting in the kitchen or giving him a hand with some light chores (dusting, organizing, laundry, etc.). “When Lord Diavolo succeeds in uniting the three realms, do you think we could get married?”
Barbatos’s eyes would widen, and he would stop his work for a second. Even if he had used his powers, he never would have believed that this would be the path you would follow. Barbatos took in a deep breath and released it along with the tension in his body before he resumed his work. “No.”
It was your turn to pause. You hadn’t expected such a flat-out rejection, and it hurt. “Oh.” “I’m sorry, MC.” “No, it’s fine. . . but, do you mind if I ask you why not? Are we – do you not love me enough for marriage?”
Now, Barbatos felt hurt. It’s not that he didn’t love you deeply; in fact, Barbatos imagined his love for you was more eternal than most marriages claim to represent. He would vow his love to you under the moon and swear to that celestial body that his love would outlast it. The truth was much sadder.
Barbatos has a duty to serve Diavolo. It seems like the logical conclusion that he would never commit to marriage before Diavolo’s goals were achieved. You were willing to wait, but Barbatos knew that, and he was reluctant to let you.
Without using his powers, Barbatos has no idea how long it would take for that to happen. In the meantime, he wants you to enjoy life. He doesn’t want you waiting around for him for decades or centuries (because he has no intention of allowing you to limit your life to normal human lifespans). If you want to get married, and he doesn’t feel able to do that for you, Barbatos would rather see you marry someone else – certainly, you have no shortage of suitors. (We can all ignore that this is an idiotic reason, right?)
However, the main reason he turned you down is because he believes you deserve the world. Even after the realms are stable, Barbatos will still be bound to Diavolo. Maintaining that peace takes effort as well. Furthermore, Barbatos enjoys his work, and he would never give it up. His time for you would always be lacking. Surely, you would expect more from him after marriage. That wasn’t something Barbatos could give you.
He would tell you as much. “. . . That is why I must decline your proposal.” “Why? Because I’d have to wait, and you would still work for Diavolo?” “Those are not ideal conditions for a husband. You deserve more.” “First of all, we fuck under your boss’s roof. Second, we are different species from different realms. Nothing about our circumstance is ‘ideal.’ Third, I love you, and I love how our relationship works. I would never take you away from Lord Diavolo’s side. I just wanted to cement my love for you with a silly little ceremony – it’s not that important. I will stand by you, and I’ll love you then as I do now – regardless of marriage.”
Barbatos could feel his face flush with heat. He was overjoyed and overwhelmed. “We have yet to even form a pact.” “Yet? And we don’t have to have a pact if you don’t want one.” “Goodness, you are far too accommodating. May I make a proposal of my own?”
Barbatos would pull you into his arms (he had ceased working altogether after “your boss’s roof.”) and whisper into your ear. “I was wrong. I want all of you for myself. Wait for me. When success is in our grasp, I will mark you, and seal our pact. After that, I’ll make you my husband.”
He’ll sound so tender and seductive. So of course, it’s the perfect time to tease him by saying, “Then I can fuck my husband under his boss’s roof.” “Not if I take you out in the garden. After all, you look stunning in the moonlight.”
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zuble · 9 months
i don’t understand people who think mephisto is some joyless asshole. he’s the man responsible for the Princess Diavolo and Unicorn Lucifer emojis. he really saw the man he hails as a god and king, and his arch nemesis, and went “what if i made them cutesy and chibified actually”
also he’s very loud and noisy. he’s been stated to spread rumors like a catty old lady. he’s a journalist; he knows all the hot gossip and he LOVES it. he’s constantly bragging about his family because he loves them and is proud of their accomplishments. the man’s got energy and passion and goddamnit he WILL use it.
he’s so talkative but he is also lonely. he’s so lonely. for the love of god give him some better social skills so he can make friends.
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devildomresidentt · 4 months
Random Obey Me! Rant 2
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I love the idea that all of the little D’s were born the same way Satan was
Like whenever one of the brothers gets REALLY heated/mad they just pop out a little D like how Elsa popped out the Snowgies in Frozen Fever
All of their little D’s used to run around the HOL and cause trouble until Diavolo saw one of them and decided he wanted to keep them all and raise them as his own
Now every couple of months they drop off all the new Little D’s they’ve created over the time being, but Beel is always the most heartbroken whenever he has to give away his Little D’s tho 💔💔💔
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Hello! it's ✨ anon again could you do a hc where the MC becomes a baby and the bros take care of them?thx!I saw you are working on various things so please tell me if I'm being overwhelming with my requests and ofc take all the time you need and pls remember to take time for yourself!
Of course not! But like sorry if you wanted separately because im doing it all in one and maybe a different type of writing that you wanted
Obey me! Baby MC
(Could not find a picture)
Bold is reader
Mammon slamed the door open
Mammon: hey [name]! Got my Goldie! Let's go shopping with the great Mammon—....
Baby [Name]:...
*few minutes later of staring at eachother*
Mammon: *faints*
Asmodeus: Hey! What's taking so long...OMG IS THAT BABY [NAME]?! EEEK SO CUTE! I need to post this on my social Media!
Satan: What are you yelling for? I can hear you all the way...here...I'll be right back—
*Asmodeus runs with the baby to the dining room*
Lucifer: what are you running for? I-...Asmodeus why on Diavolo ARE YOU HOLDING A BABY?! WHOSE BABY IS THAT?!
Asmodeus: shhh, you'll wake up them! And it's [name], why on Diavolo would I ever kidnap a baby?
*door slams open*
Satan: IM BACK BI—
As Satan snatch the Baby [name] from Asmodeus, Belphie is strangely awake
Beel: *whispers* Can I eat it?
Belphie: no. It's [name] and why on hell would you eat a baby???
Beel & belphie:.....
*meanwhile with Mammon*
Mammon:...was it a dream? Has to be, no way that could be [name]..ima just go..
*back in the dining room*
Asmodeus: you said that taking pictures wasn't necessary!
Lucifer: it is.
Satan: Then why are you doing it?
Belphie: you all are doing it.
*currently with [name] wearing cat ears and tail*
*beel doing a hand pose as if eating a burger*
*baby [name] walking towards Beel*
Baby [name]: beel! Beel! :D
*baby [name] plops into beels hand*
Mammon: Hey! Have you seen [name]? I had a really weird dream—
Everyone in the room:....
*dies of cuteness*
Here's some alone moments with some brothers
Lucifer: Oh Lord Diavolo...I don't think my heart can take it.
*Baby [name] trying to write with Lucifer to help him with work*
Lucifer: lucifer come on, you can do this. Just don't do it, don't do it, don't do it, don't do it—
*squish* he did it
Baby [name]: bah?
He squished [name] cheek
Satan & Asmodeus a bit of Diavolo & Barbatos
*[name] wearing many outfits and most with cat ears and tail.*
*in the background Satan yells at Asmodeus about what you should wear*
*continues to argue*
*meanwhile with Diavolo and Barbatos*
Diavolo: why does the baby that Asmodeus posted looks like [name]?
Barbatos: I do not know, but it looks quite cute
*both of them happily smile*
Belphie & Beel
*[name] being a pillow for Belphie*
Belphie: must not crush [name] do not crush [name]
Beel holding out his finger to you: cute...
Baby [name]: *nom* *nom*
[Name] back to normal self: why is everyone oddly happy today?
Luke: dunno
Meanwhile with everyone just staring into nothing, smiling.
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blamebonk · 8 months
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i've been doing alot of stuff thats B.M. ( before mc) ig i really like lore and thinking abt the past
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smoke-and-silver · 5 months
people writing Diavolo as a totally 100% honest good boy who follows all the laws and rules as if he wasn't full ready to just seat his little sugar baby human on the council for fun until the house of lords threw a fit and stopped him
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janahanooo · 11 months
Mc: If I had a grim for every person that called me "Babygirl", I would have two. Wich isn't a lot, but it's weird it happened twice...
Asmo: wait.. I call you bbg, but who is the other one?
Mc: it's Diavolo. He heard you call me that once and I had to explain to him what it means.
Dia in the distance: Babygirl! Asmo! Come join me! Barbatos and I are going to watch Barbie!
Asmo: y'know... he's the real bbg.
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moth--blood · 8 months
something i might make a comic of or write out is little Satan absolutely hating the castle when they all first got to the devildom. everyone was super depressed and lucifer was in his suck-up arc so he's overworking, no one's really talking to him and the twins won't even look at him
so naturally the little dude decides its the castles fault. and naturally he makes it his mission to destroy literally whatever he can so that the twins wont hate him anymore or so asmo won't look at him so sadly. Lucifer is mortified and diavolo thinks its adorable
theres some point during this little episode where Lucifer brings tan to a dia-meeting with him because the others couldn't watch him, and THAT is the day little tan decides he hates Diavolo too. he's sitting and listening in on the conversation and although he doesn't understand anything that's being said what he does understand are lucifers partially-shared emotions. he does understand his dad is stressed as fuck talking to this random tall man and so naturally he is also now an enemy. and it makes sense, it is his castle
little satan makes a habit of trying to bite diavolo at any given opportunity. think a cat biting and doing that kick thing they do when they're playing, except its satan on diavolos entire arm
lucifer is still mortified, dia still thinks its really sweet
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dittoqueeno · 1 year
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Tea Time with Barbatos
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luxthestrange · 1 year
Incorrect quotes#764 Humans R Scary/Cool!
In the Human world, You explain the comfort Luke who is nervous to ride his first train/bus without the help of You, Barbatos, or Diavolo who came to sight-see*coughs*surprise asking you out for a date*coughs*
Luke* Climbs up the stairs and gleams at them when he got in*I did it!
You, Barbs and Dia congratulate him when a large man comes up to you and shouts
Man: GIVE ME A DOLLAR!?*holds hands to them*
Mc*Looks at the Now scared Luke, shocked Dia and Barbatos at the sudden outburst*Dont worry Boy'sI'll take care of this~*Snaps back at the man*WHAT AM I, SANTA CLAUS? YOU GIVE ME A DOLLAR!?
Man*Got scared by their outburst and give you a dollar shuffling away from you*
Mc*Takes it and gives it to luke*YEAAAAAH!
Luke*Looking in awe at you, He will remember that*Waaah!~
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...So Luke learn something that day-
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cooler-ian · 10 months
Diavolo is the biggest obstacle in the way of me and Barbatos living a happy life together btw, I can't believe he bound my husband to work for him until the end of their lives knowing full well Barbatos can never truly die. The disrespect.
Fucking unbelievable.
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